The Islam Knowledge

Learn more about the peacefull en true Islam.

1. The piety of Allah Subhaan Wa'Talah and that He created us to honor Him. When Adam and Eve were created by Allah Subhaan Wa'Talah they were in heaven. And Allah Subhaan Wa'Talah visited them and they were allowed to eat as much of any fruit as they wanted as long as they wanted Allah Subhaan Wa'Talah Talah honored. They were not allowed to eat from a tree and as soon as Eve did and Adam followed they were banned from heaven and sent to earth. The purpose of life is training for eternal life in a so high possible rank and position in the paradise. To glorify, serve and help Allah Subhaan Wa'Talah. The two angels in the explanation of the Islam which are a devil and angel are there to train a person and write down his or hers deeds. The devil is in which difficulty in life as possible a trainor to the the eternal life in Insha'Allah paradise in the best rank.

1.  Believing (faith). The Muslim believes in Islam. This stands for peace. The Muslim believes in the pure monistic religions : these are i.e. The Bible, The Torah and The Koran. The Quran is the last revealed religion and the most perfected. A Muslim believes in all books and all angels and all prophets. 
2. About Allah Subhaan Wa'tallah we always say the blessing after Allah: Subhaan Wa'tallah because this is what Islam says. We always pronounce Saleh alai wa sallam about the prophet Muhammad, the messenger of Allah Subhaan Wa'tallah. About the angels and other prophets Alai hi Salam About the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad Saleh Alaih Wa'Sallam radiyal laahu anhu . About a companion: radiyal laahu anhaa. About multiple companions: radiyal lahu anhum 

3. The 5 pillars that are obligatory within the faith Islam: 1. The Shahada: or the religious beliefs expressed by a Muslim when converting to Islam. That person says: La Illaha ill'Allah Asha'do Anna Mohammed RasoolAllah. This means: I testify that there is no god other than Allah Subhaan Wa Tallah and that Muhammad Saleh Alai wa Sallam is His Messenger. 2. The 5 obligatory prayers during the prayer times when shalat must be prayed with the required Rakat for that prayer time: - Fajr - Zohar - Asar - Maghreb -Isha 3. Zakat (poor tax). Money and material things that are donated. This minimum has been established within Islam for all people with an income. This is also done, for example, during Ramadan and is encouraged. 4. Hajj (there is a small pilgrimage: Umrah and a large pilgrimage: Hajj) it is obligatory to do hajj once in a lifetime. Except for really having no option. 5. Ramadan. Each period has a time determined by the states to calculate the time period using the Islamic era / calendar, for Ramadan. There is only a solution for those Muslims who really cannot do this: Fidyah. (Giving away money) . But there are so many advantages to Ramadan and fasting in the Islamic way, that it is almost mandatory to fast.

4. Sunnah, Hadith and Practices of Prophet Muhammad Saleh Alaih WaSallam: - not feeling good or something bad with others: everything comes from Allah Subhaan Wa'Talah and me. I have learned that illness and bad things provide extra blessing(s). 

5. Sunnah : - plant yourself and give sunnah to others and animals, for example grass - nigella seed : pound 5-7 seeds into powder and mix with oil and use. Put this oil in both nostrils. Also do this with Sidr /lote trea and the rest. This is healing according to Islam - Buy a shelf for the Quran- Truffle water healing for the eyes according to Islam. - Do not use mirrors - Invite others to Islam- A baby that is a boy must be circumcised for Islam. - A baby that is a boy must be called Mohammed in his name. - It is forbidden to gossip. - It is forbidden to epilate. - it is forbidden to be lesbian, gay or bisexual - prohibited from changing appearance, i.e. ear holes, hair styles or curls and jewelry. And also convert to a man or woman / transgender - prohibited from keeping drawings and paintings, etc - prohibited from having images in rooms - A woman and man are not allowed to show their Awrah (forbidden body parts). For a woman from her navel to her ankle. But rather the hands and face only be visible+ for a man the lower abdomen to the knee. - It is mandatory to cut the nails of hands and feet short.

- No nail polish. - Only halal food. In other words, where the name of Allah has been pronounced beforehand. And no carcasses, blood or pork, unless absolutely necessary - Before you do anything, always say Bismillah hir-rahmaanir raheem - Always have a light on in a room when it gets dark. - Special duas for special occasions such as; learn and pronounce entering and leaving the mosque/house/toilet etc - it is sunah to use a siwak when brushing the teeth - Talbina food was often used as food by Prophet Muhammad Saleh Alaih Wa'Sallam - Hijama wet cupping is good to do for health. - Special shalat in addition to the 5 obligatory shalat for the evening tajjahud and tasbeeh and for lunar eclipse and solar eclipse and Awwâbîn and Istikhara and witir after Isha shalat  - Learning Kalmas for Islam, this is mandatory according to Islam. - At a funeral when someone has died if you are clean (no menstruation) ritual washing and the Islamic custom with duas etc and staying calm (having sabr or patience). - After getting married, be intimate with each other afterwards. First An-niqah (Islamic engagement) with the approval of both engaged parties, by agreeing to a Mahram. The Mahram can be a father, brother, etc. Then a dowry and then an Islamic marriage with witnesses via an official way of getting married with the correct papers.
- No intimacy during menstruation. First cleanse and be pure as a woman through Ghusl (The great ablution). And afterwards there may be intimacy. - continuous cleansing by Wuddhu after sleeping, the toilet, fart etc. (the small ablution) and obligated Ghusl on Friday every week, menstruation, sexual intercourse, after childbirth and dirt  - if there is no water to do wuddu tayamum with clean sand or earth - Friday salitil djoema ghusl. Washing hair is mandatory and praying in the mosque is mandatory - Do not use make-up, this is prohibited. - Do not wear heels, only flat and closed shoes. - being good to family and going and maintaining - prohibited from playing backgammon. - Do not watch sexual images - Don't masturbate - The beauty salon is not allowed to see you without a hijab, etc
- Hijab and headscarf is mandatory for women after their first menstruation with simple models, loose opaque clothing in simple colors and models and face and hands visible - Praying 5 times a day and living as a Muslim is obligatory after a man's ejaculation and woman's after menstruation. - Work if possible. The Prophet Muhammad Saleh alai wa sallam narrated that it is better to eat and buy with money that one has earned and make a contribution. - everyone is responsible for his actions from the first ejaculation and menstruation - female role: stay at home and take care of the house and the male role: maintain the family with money. - Do not listen to music, this is prohibited. - It is forbidden to go to discos, concerts and parties. - It is recommended to get married and also to have children. - contraception or killing children before pregnancy is prohibited - The evening is for rest and prayer. During the day to look for Maintenance - the woman's most important role in Islam is the household and the man's role is to maintain the family. - Do not just throw away or waste food. Say Bismillah hir-rahmaanir and kiss 3 times before throwing it away - eat the good things, such as fresh vegetables, fish, lentils, etc. - Gambling and games of chance and lotos are prohibited - forbidden haram making money so usury/riba- Sunah of the Prophet Mohammed Saleh Alai Wa Sallam is to use little water while cleansing yourself - Hair removed from the armpits and intimate areas for everyone and for the man he must grow a beard according to the Sunah of the Prophet Mohammed Saleh Alai Wa Sallam - Always go to the toilet with soap and water and clean yourself with it after using the toilet and usually wuddhu after natural needs such as peeing, farting, sleeping, etc. and ghusl (The big ablution) after impurity due to dirt, sexual intercourse, menstruation, etc.
- Voluntary fasting is recommended in Islam, in addition to Ramadan, mandatory fasting except on the forbidden days and it is highly recommended. - It is a tradition to sacrifice a sheep or part of a sheep to family and otherwise poor people during the sacrificial festival/eid. And it is then forbidden to fast. The 10th of dhul hijjah is the sacrifice of a sheep every year. - If you are ill or want something better, you can perform Ruqjah, although the 5 obligatory pillars are mandatory and duas are recommended, make sure that you do ruqjah yourself. It is not recommended to perform ruqjah through other imams or healers because this is not recommended, it is better to pray and ask yourself - Indian oud used Prophet Muhammad Saleh Alaih Wa'Sallam for healing - do not urinate in water that is stagnant during a shower or bath. This is also prohibited during wazu and ghusl. - Aqeeqah birth of a child is obligatory. If this has not happened to someone, they can still do it later in life - a mahram: brother father is obliged to accompany him when a female person travels. - it is forbidden to fast on Friday and the days of at tashriq - obligatory fasting ashura 9th day !!!! - wash hands after sleeping - read all Surahs in order from the Quran and always the first rakah is larger Surah and then the 2nd rakah is the same or smaller but never larger than the first rakah - buy khuff leather socks and wear them indoors - wipe/use toilet paper with uneven numbers - every day with Ajwah dates 7 breakfast from Medina and each day Talbina - eat truffles - do not drink and Breathe while drinking in the cup sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad Saleh Alaih Wa'Sallam - do not drink from earthenware but water vessels - Eat and store groceries for a maximum of 3 days
- eating while sitting. And eat what is close by. And don't drink directly from the mouth from vessels, but pour. - wedding invitations mandatory to sunnah  - buy fresh musk to cleanse according to Sunah of the Prophet Muhammad Saleh Alaih Wa'Sallam - for sins 10 people on average feed penance or give away clothes poor 10 people - the last 10 days of Ramadan there is I'tikaaf in the mosque. This means that one stays in the mosque in the halal way to withdraw from the faith. - tahayyad-al madjid/tahayyad ul masjid 2rakah when entering the mosque. Before sitting. - praying shalat between iqamah and azaan 2 rakah - Stand 1st row in front when praying in the mosque for the most blessings - always hand in front of mouth when yawning according to the Sunah of Islam - jewelry is Haram never wear - do not have animal print clothing. This is haram - Haram TV and cinema. Only halal entertainment occasionally on a weekend for a day. The rest believe - Haram Painting and drawing and crafting images. - good arabic name give meaning to babies. If there is bad arabic name meaning then give opposite name meaning in arabic language. - When having a bad dream, spit lightly on the left side 3 times. - palms together and blow while reading surah rabbi naas, quelwala ho ahad and surah al Falaq and then rub everywhere: start with head, face and front of the body - when burden etc hand on it say Bismillah hir-rahmaanir and make dua - Spit 3 times on the left in case of confusion when praying the shalat - always pray towards qiblah shalat - It is haram to be preoccupied with astrology and horoscopes, etc. - It is forbidden to commit suicide or euthanasia or commit suicide in Islam, Allah Subhaan wa'Talah does not burden you more than you can handle - Do everything in moderation, not too eagerly but also not frugally according to Islam
- According to Sunah, 2/3 went to eat the prophet Mohammed Saleh Alai Wa'Sallam. He always left 1/3 of his plate/to hunger. And if he didn't like food, he wouldn't eat it, but he kept silent about this. - It is forbidden to whistle according to Sunah of the Prophet Muhammad Saleh Alai Wa'Sallam - according to Islam it is good to have kindness and greet with sallaam alaikoem and afterwards the other person says walaikoem salaam. It is advisable to greet mainly Muslims and preferably non-Muslims as well - gold is forbidden to wear only silver - it is forbidden to dye the hair black - it is forbidden to change the appearance such as hair styles etc - it is forbidden to have pets such as dogs and cats. Only halal pets such as guinea pigs and rabbits are allowed. Hunting dogs that live outside are allowed - Hajj and Umrah are obligatory for those who can, with a mahram - only female friends, no boy friends. And vice versa, only friends and no girlfriends - not many soulmates or soul mates who take you off the straight and narrow - say sukurallah after sneezing. Also to others who sneeze. - take as much responsibility as possible for yourself by keeping agreements, etc. - keep promises - you can also pray sitting or lying down in Islam if praying shalat is not possible - the traveler can pray along the way. And you don't have to pray and fast travelling also during Ramadan - Allah Subhaan Wa'Talah is clean and likes to clean. Clean places well - A dog is not allowed to touch you otherwise you are unclean according to Islam - Take good care of animals and pets - Be good for plants and nature - take good care of things. Everything that Allah Subhaan Wa'tallah has created is on loan. - on an income is zakat mandatory - Sufism or Sufi dancing with hair is haram - it is forbidden to do anything with music  - Prayer times ; fajr : 5'o clock in the morning till sunrise, Zohar: 12.30am till 3'o clock in the midday, Asar: 4'o clock in the midday till 5.30 o'clock in the midday, Maghrieb: 6'o clock until 6.30 o'clock sunset, Isha: 7.30 pm til 11 pm in the evening.



5. The 99 Beautiful Names of Allah Subhaan Wa'Tallah, for the Glory of You (in Arabic):
1. Al-Qahhaar
2. Ar Rahiem
3. Al-malik

4. Al Haqq

5. Dhul-Jalaali-Wal-Ikraam
6. Al-Musawwir
7. Ar Rahman
8. Al Quddus
9. As-Salam
10 Al Mu'min
11. Al- muhaymin
12 Al- Aziz
13. Al-Jabbar
14. Al-Mutakabbir
15. Al-Khaaliq
16. Al-Baariy
17.Al Wahhaab
18. Ar-Razzaaq
19. Al-Fattaah
20. Al-Alim
21 Al-Qaabid
22. Al-Baasit
23. Al-Khaafid
24. Ar-Raafi
25 Al-Mu'izz
26 Al-Mudhil
27. As-Samie
28. Al-Basier
29. Al- Hakam
30. Al-Adl
31. Al-Latief
32. Al-Khabier
33. Al-Haleem
34. Al-Adhiem
35. Al-Ghafour
36. As-Shakur
37. Al-Aliyy
38. Al-Kabier
39. Al-Hafiedh
40. Al-Moeqiet
41. Al-Hasieb
42. Al-Jaliel
43. Al-Kariem
45. Al-Moejieb
46. Al-Waasi
47. Al-Hakiem
48. Al-Wadoed
49. Al-Majied
50. Al-Baa'ith
51. Ash-Shahied
52. Al-Wakiel
53. Al-Qawiyy
54. Al-Matien
55. Al-Waliyy
56. Al-Hamied
57. Al-Moehsie
58. Al-Moebdhi
59. Al-Moe'ied
60. Al-Moehyi
61. Al-Moemiet
62. Al-Hayy
63. Al-Qayyoem
64. Al-Waajid
65. Al-Maadjid
66. Al-Waahid
67. As-Samad
68. Al-Qaadir
70. Al-Muqtadir
71. Al-Muqaddim
72. Al-Mu'akhir
73. Al-Awwal
74. Al- Aakhir
75. At-Dhaahir
76. Al-Baatin
77. Al-Waaliy
78. Al-Muta'aaliy
79. Al-Barr
80. At-Tawwaab
81. Al-Moentaqim
82. Al-Afuww
83. Ar-Ra'oef
84. Malik-ul-Mulk
85. Al-Muqsit
86. Al-Jaami
87. Al-Ghaniyy
88. Al-Moeghnie
89. Al-Maani
90. Ad-Daarr
91. An-Naafi
92. An-Nur
93. Al-Haadie
94. Al-Badi
95. Al-Baaqie
96. Al-Waarith
97. Ar-Rashied
98. As-Saboer.
99. Al-Ghaffaar

6. Dhikr is often done after praying in remembrance of Allah Subhaan wa'Talah, for example recommended after shalat: Subhaan Allah 33x - Alhamdu lillah 33x - Allah ho Akhbar 34x There is also a Tasbeeh, which is a bead necklace for the tradition of worshiping Allah Subhaan Wa'Talah. After shalat + supplications after shalat

7. Prophets and their teachings: 1. Adam and Eve: ask for forgiveness and keep asking. And stay in touch with Allah. To be repentant and communicate with Allah Subhaan Wa'Talah. 2. Qabeel and Habeel: Do not be jealous of others. Wishing the best to all brothers and sisters. 3. Noah: do not go to cemeteries to pray or commemorate. 4. Ibrahim: you can get good position with Allah Subhaan Wa'Talah. And glorify him by asking his favor to you by asking if he can give a sign. Do not join others in unbelief. To love Allah Subhaan Wa'Talah more than parents and children. 5. Zakariya: when asking for offspring, this can be done at any age. Or when asking Allah Subhaan Wa'Talah, this can be done at any age. Pray a lot and ask about it. Allah Subhaan Wa'Talah can do anything.
6. Maryam: If you are good, you will automatically be liked and seen as a good person. 7. Isa: Allah out of His mercy also teaches prophets things that are useful for others. Always help. Others also support everyone. 8. Mohammed Saleh Alaih Wa'Sallam: Believing in Islam as a perfected faith. It is important to pass on knowledge. And pray a lot, do charity and give away. Inviting and encouraging others to Islam. Appearance is not the most important thing when getting married, but character. 9. Hat: Being good for the environment and nature. Allah can destroy and destroy everything through nature at any moment. 10. Salih: Being good to the animals. Also the animals in the livestock. And also good for mounts. 11. Loet: Only marry a good halal man. Conversely, only with good halal women for men. 12. Shu'aib: Do not be dishonest and steal or rob. Be satisfied with what you have. And Allah Subhaan Wa'Talah gives one all the blessings he or she can get. 13. Ya'qoub : Keep your promise. 14. Josef : Not having your own ego no matter what you look like. To be patient. Try to ensure good concentration and take care of your concentration in order to be able to interpret dreams and things properly. 15. Ayoeb: In case of illness, ask Allah Subhaan Wa'Talah for help. And seek help through faith to heal everyone's illness. 16. Dhul-khifl : A lot of work. And be fair at the same time. And be good in faith also when working.
17. Yoenes: In case of emergency, also pray and keep praying. Engage in faith at all times. Also for prevention. Always have faith 18. Soelaimaan: Be faithful also towards people with higher positions or prestige. 19. Ezra: Learn that Allah is the One who gives life and who causes death. 20. Yahya : Be good to parents. 21. Moses: Avoid idolatry or unbelievers and invite them to faith. 22. Hizqiel: fighting in the way of Allah Subhaan Wa'Talah. 

8. The 6 kalmas of the islam: 

1. Laa illaha illa-illahu Muhammader- rasoolu-lalaah
2.Ash-hadu Al-laa illaha illa-illaahu wahdahoo laa shareeka lahoo wa-ash-hadu Ana Muhammadan ' abduhoo wa rasooluhu
3. Subhaana Allah walhamdu lillaahi walaa illaaha illa-illaahu wallaahu akhbar. Walaa hawla walaa quwaataa illaa billaahi'l alliyil azeem
4. Laa illaaha illa-illaahu wahdahoo laa shareeka-lahoo lahu-l mulku walahu-l hamdu yuhyee wahyumeetu wahuwa hayyu-l laa yamootu bejadihilgairo. Wahuwa alaa kulli shai-'in qadeer.
5. Astaghfiru-illaaha rabbi min kulli zambin adhnabtuhoo 'amadan aw khata-an sirran aw'alaaniyatan wa-atoobu illaihi min-az zambi-l ladhee la a'lamu innaka anta allamoel-gojoebe, wa sattaroelojoebe,  wa ghaffaaru-dh dhunubi wallaa hawla walaa qawwata illaa billaahi-l 'alliyil azeem.
6. Allahoemma innie a-oezobeka min an oesjreka beka sjaian wa ana alemo behie toebto anho wa tabarrato min al koefre was-sjirke wal maasie koelleha wa aslamto wa amanto wa aqoelo, la ill'allaho Mohammeder rasoelallah.
Imaan modjammil:
Amanto billah kama howa biasmaa ehie wa sefatihie wa kabilto djamya ahkamie ekraroen bil lisani wa tashdikoen bil Qalbi.
Imaan mofassiel:
Amanto billahi wa malaa I kathie wa kotobihie wa rasoelihie wal jaumil agri wal qadri gairihiewa sharri hiemien allah taala wal basi badal maoet.